Why Do We Need Fats In Our Diet?
From nutritional point of view, fats are potentially harmful elements to your body. . While this is true in general, it does not imply that fats are not valuable from a nutritional point of view. In fact, fats are absolutely necessary for maintaining proper health. Fats are the chief form of energy stored in the body. During times of unavailability of food, the fats stored in the body provide energy to prevent starvation.
Why fats are the chief form of energy and not carbohydrates?
Glycogen which is the dominant form of the body's carbohydrates, requires a great deal of water to hold in the body. As the body cannot hold this bulk of water, it can only provide limited energy when needed. Fats, on the other hand, will not require water to bond and stay in the body. Therefore, they can store much more energy than glycogen in a small space.
Foods rich in fats are valuable in many situations. One gram of fat (or oil) provides 9 calories and one gram of carbohydrate provides 4 calories. People doing hard physical labor and those traveling in cold climates require ample supply of fats to provide energy in the form of heat.
The fact that weight gaining is often associated with anorexia and other eating disorders, such as binge eating. Fat which is consumed in moderate amounts is actually healthy for your body. A healthy lifestyle should consist of more good fats than bad ones.
Good fats are actually good for your heart such as omega 3, which is found in many foods including fish, seeds, and plants. Theses are polyunsaturated fats. On the contrary, try to avoid fried and oily foods that are found in fast food. It consists of large amount of saturated fats that is very bad for your health.
Without some fats in our diet, we cannot survive. Remember to eat a small amount of good fats every day so that you can maintain good health
Why Do We Need Fats In Our Diet?
Diet Chief
Why Do We Need Fats In Our Diet?
Why Do We Need Fats In Our Diet?
Why Do We Need Fats In Our Diet?
Diet Chief
Why Do We Need Fats In Our Diet?
Why Do We Need Fats In Our Diet?
Sleeping helps apart WEIGHT
Sleeping helps apart WEIGHT
Video Clips. Duration : 1.98 Mins.
Sleeping helps apart WEIGHT
www.facebook.com Subscribe & Comment! If you want to lose weight the surprising answer is to stay in bed longer. Those who are 'short sleepers' are more likely to end up overweight even if they are more active than 'long sleepers' during the day, according to new research. Short sleepers tended to have greater difficulty getting to sleep and staying asleep. Tests found suffering sleepless nights can disrupt natural hormonal balances. This can reduce levels of the 'hunger hormone' leptin, causing people to eat more. Researchers in the US analysed the sleep activity and energy expenditure of 14 volunteer nurses at the Walter Reed Army Medical Centre in Washington DC. Each participant wore an arm band that measured movement, temperature, body position and other indicators of activity and rest. Those identified as 'short sleepers' had an average body mass index (BMI) of 28.3 - classed as overweight - compared with 24.5 - classed as normal - for 'long sleepers.' This was despite the overweight individuals taking almost 25 per cent more steps and using up nearly 1000 more calories per day. Chief investigator Dr Arn Eliasson said: 'Primarily, we want to know what is driving the weight differences, and why sleep and weight appear to be connected.' Stress may also play a role in both reducing the length and quality of sleep and increasing eating and other weight gain behaviours. 'Higher perceived stress may erode sleep,' said Dr Eliasson, who presented the findings at the American ...
Sleeping helps apart WEIGHT
Sleeping helps apart WEIGHT
Sleeping helps apart WEIGHT
Sleeping helps apart WEIGHT
Why Do We Need Fats In Our Diet?
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Why Do We Need Fats In Our Diet?
Why Do We Need Fats In Our Diet?
Why Do We Need Fats In Our Diet?
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Why Do We Need Fats In Our Diet?
Why Do We Need Fats In Our Diet?
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Diet Chief
Why Do We Need Fats In Our Diet?
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